• Webentwicklung von Webdesigner und Webprogrammierer Markward Kufleitner
  • Webdesigner und Webprogrammierer Markward Kufleitner
  • Professionelle Webprogrammierung auf Linux Workstation

    Webdesign und Webprogrammierung

    Upcycling Android Initiative of the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE)

    Upcycling Android Initiative der Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE)

    The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) has now put the important topic of Android aftermarket firmware at the top of its agenda in November 2021 as part of its Upcycling Android initiative.

    The procedure of flashing an Android device with alternative firmware is not exactly trivial, which is why I have been offering this service to my customers for some time now. Please read more about this here: https://www.webdesign-markward.de/android-custom-rom-installation.html

    I am also active for all Oldenburg residents within the framework of the Resource Centre Oldenburg.

    How does mobile phone production affect our environment at all?

    Infographic Effects of mobile phone production on our environment

    So what can we do about it in principle?

    Infographic upcyclingandroid.org


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